Close-up of six-pack abs on a fit male torso

15min Of This Bodyweight Workout Burns Fat And Builds Muscles – Get 6 Pack Abs

Peter Carvell of explains his workout routine, designed to maximize your workout’s effectiveness with zero cardio. With what he calls his Metabolic Bodyweight Ladders, you will surely improve your fat-burning ability while building muscle. The video explains the three exercises and routines involving chin-ups, deep squats, and knee raises and possible alternatives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Peter Carvell, of Sixpackfactory-com fame, unveils a new fat-burning plan, with zero cardio components, for his followers.
  • Carvell reminds his followers that anyone can get leaner at home by calling the plan his metabolic bodyweight lettuce, requiring three exercises to use at home effectively.
  • The workout makes use of rings for chin-ups and knee raises and also makes use of deep squats.

Six Pack Factory

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