
Slender woman stretching arms overhead on beach, preparing for exercise.

Get Moving: Incorporating Physical Activity Into Your Routine

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and out of shape? Do you sit for hours on end, day after day, without any physical activity to break up the monotony? It’s time to get moving! Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine can improve your physical health and boost your mood and energy levels. But where…

Shredded man with raised arms displaying abs, woman pointing at his oblique.

How To Slim Your Waist – The Truth About Oblique Training & Six Pack Abs


A common misconception in the fitness industry is that training obliques can lead to a wider waistline. However, this is a myth that lacks scientific evidence. Neglecting oblique training can put individuals at risk of back injury and compromise their breathing and abdominal cavity stability. Properly training the obliques can improve posture, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance athletic performance. There are various practical exercises for training obliques, such as the reverse woodchopper and bicycle crunch. Strengthening and toning the obliques can contribute to a more defined midsection. Incorporating oblique exercises into a well-rounded fitness routine can improve physical function and overall aesthetics.