Triple The Gains From Your Weight Workout!

There is no one perfect workout. The exercises you do and the way you do them depends on your goal. If you’re a powerlifter, you train with very heavy weights for low reps. If you’re into bodybuilding, you go with more moderate loads for slightly higher rep targets. If you’re an athlete and want to develop your muscular endurance, you use lighter weights and more reps to develop more aerobically efficient muscles.

Key Takeaways:

  • The exercises you do and the way you do them depends on your goal. If you’re a powerlifter, you train with very heavy weights for low reps.
  • The 4×4 training system is designed to improve your strength, size, and muscular endurance in a single workout.
  • Each of the rep targets is a multiple of four. Do four reps of the first movement with very heavy weights to focus on building strength.

“By doing high-rep training toward the end of the workout, you give your muscle pump a wicked boost as high reps push fluids into your target muscle group.”

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